Repair Cafés in Amsterdam logo

About us

This agenda is an initiative of volunteers at Repair Cafés in Amsterdam. The goal is to make Repair Cafés more accessible by making them easier to find with their opening hours.

So far it lists 37 Repair Cafés, but we are working on getting the information from more confirmed.

The website is open source, see the source code on Github.

All information on this website is Amsterdam specific, for more information on Repair Cafés in general see

If you would like to add a Repair Café or if any information is incorrect or incomplete, we would greatly appreciate an email. For adding, we prefer to use this questionnaire (currently in Dutch).

We are still looking for help with:

  • Community management. Someone who supports in the communication with the Repair Cafés so that the agenda is as accurate and complete as possible and stays that way.
  • Visual / UI / UX Design. Someone who can contribute ideas on structure, navigation, how things should work and what it should look like. We have a Figma file full of designs we'd love to share with you.
  • Development. Mainly front-end development. Someone who can possibly co-develop and act as a backup. Someone with knowledge of for example React, Next and Tailwind. See the code on Github for more info.